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We'd love to answer any questions you might have about our church, our community, and what we believe. Please let us know if we can serve you in any way.

Core Values

Our core values are foundational in all areas of ministry at Trinity.


Our Core Values


Unless Christ builds His Church all our efforts are in vain. He is the head of the Church and will, as such, with the Holy Spirit, direct us in knowing Him and His will for us. We value a posture of prayerful listening and discernment so we can respond to His initiative.

One of the ways we practice this is through our weekly Corporate Prayer Meetings. Like the lampstands in Leviticus 24:1-4, we believe God wants His Church to be “continually lit” in prayer as a sign of our dependency on Him. Another way we practice response to God's leading is through Sunday Worship, as we exalt our Lord. He is seated on the throne above all other thrones (Eph. 1:19-23) and as we worship Him, we resist our tendency to take control. Jesus is at the centre of all that we do!


God's character is relational. This is demonstrated in the Trinity and also in the act of salvation as God drew near to mankind, through Christ. Jesus is our greatest example of how God wants a redeemed people to interact. Although we value programs, we endeavor to prioritize gatherings that enable us to build deeper relationships with Christ, each other, and our community.

Some of the ways we do this is through our Home Groups, our Men's and Women's Ministries, our Children's Ministry, Post Service Coffee Ministry, and our Food Bank.


We believe there is much for us to learn from one another. “The unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” enables us to truly be one, even though we come from different backgrounds, cultures, and generations. In fact, learning to love and learn from one another, in the midst of our differences, is often what helps us grow in depth and maturity.

We practice integration through our worship, intentionally including children before they go to Kids' Ministry, as well as encouraging various styles of worship, to reflect the many parts of the Body. We also encourage integration in our teaching, allowing the Word of God to challenge our natural tendency to segregate into comfort zones, and to inspire us to love and learn from one another. Our Home Groups are another area where we are intentional about integration, as we value building small communities that represent all walks of life, rather than building common interest groups.


In a world obsessed with style we can end up orienting our lives around external things. We long to go deeper than surface appearance as we grow in our knowledge of God's Word, our love for Him, and for each other. Our intimacy with Christ and our obedience to Him is forged in the deep places where substance grows.

We encourage substance in the way we approach ministry. Though spiritual gifting is important, we place greater emphasis on inner character. In our approach to worship, we aim to focus on who we are worshipping, rather than the form of worship. In our relationships, we believe in the inherent value in every human being, therefore we endeavor to cross the barriers that externals often create, in order to know and love one another more deeply.


Statement of Faith

We believe in the Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), Creator of Heaven and Earth, who was, and is, and is to come.

We gather together Sundays as a corporate response to Worship God and the expression of the unity we have through the work of Jesus Christ.

Our service starts at 10:00 am.

You can find us located at:

549 Gertrude Avenue,

Winnipeg, Manitoba


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In an elder-run church, leadership is structured around a plurality of elders, emphasizing collective decision-making and spiritual guidance. This model promotes accountability and shared responsibility, as a group of elders collaborates to shepherd the congregation. Each elder brings unique gifts and perspectives, fostering a diverse approach to ministry and teaching. This system not only strengthens the church's governance but also reflects the biblical model of leadership found in the New Testament, where elders are called to oversee, protect, and nurture the flock. By working together, the elders aim to create a supportive and spiritually vibrant community that encourages growth in faith and unity among members.

At Trinity, our leadership team consists of our elders and pastors.

Pastor/Support Staff

Brad Warkentin

Brad Warkentin

Lead Pastor

Brad and Michelle met while studying at Providence College and were married in 1993. They have three grown children and have served in various ministries in Winnipeg throughout their lives. In 2010, Brad became the lead pastor at Trinity Baptist Church and is passionate about serving Christ in every aspect of his life. Email Brad:

Kenny Warkentin

Kenny Warkentin

Associate Pastor

Kenny grew up knowing about Jesus, but it wasn't until 2005 after having an encounter with God, that changed the trajectory of his life. Soon afterwards he met Paula and they married in 2007 and have one daughter. They ministered in prayer ministry for years and have spoken and facilitated workshops at various conferences. In 2013 Kenny joined TBC as the Associate Pastor and enjoys sharing the gospel good news of Jesus to anyone who'd like to listen. Email Kenny:


Deacons play a vital role in the church by serving the congregation and supporting the ministry efforts of the elders and pastors. Their primary responsibilities often include assisting with the administration of church programs, managing practical needs such as food distribution and benevolence, and caring for the needs of church members, particularly the sick, elderly, and marginalized. Deacons also help facilitate worship services, oversee community outreach initiatives, and foster a spirit of service within the congregation. All relationships and interactions have the goal of discipleship in mind; building up and supporting brothers and sisters in Christ to live a life of faith and walk in their God-given gifting's. By focusing on these practical aspects of ministry, deacons allow pastors and elders to concentrate on teaching, prayer, and spiritual leadership, ensuring the church functions effectively and compassionately.

Overall, deacons embody the principles of service and humility, reflecting the love of Christ in their actions and interactions.

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Our History

Celebrating 100 years of God's Grace and Love